App-In Club, inspired by youth app inventors, aims to be a global student non-profit organization to impact our world through creating apps! No matter who you are or where you are, everyone can become full and active contributors to tomorrow’s society!
Warm congratulations to the club members for winning Congressional App Challenge, and invited to Washington DC #HouseOfCode
Warm congratulations to the club members for winning MIT Summer Appathon, the 1th and 2nd place of Youth individual and 2nd place of Youth team!
Warm congratulations to the club members for winning World Artificial Intelligence Competition for Youth, High School Category - Global Gold Award, Global Silver Award, Middle School Category - Global Silver Award
High School Category (AI Showcase Track) - Global Gold Award:
Scribe AI (Tianyi Huang & Richard Xiong) United States
Middle School Category (AI- Generated Art Track) - Global Silver Award:
Harmony in Nature: My Family’s Joyful Forest Adventure (Suri Li) United States
High School Category (AI Large Language Model Track) - Global Silver Award:
AIRanger (Yuekai (Kevin) Wang, Sarina Feng, Wenqian (Nancy) Chen, Joshua Edwards) United States
We host online courses to teach our members how to create apps based on MIT APP INVENTOR. We organize workshop discussions and provide tutoring / mentoring program.
We organize our members to participate in various competitions every year on regional, national and international levels and our members have won multiple awards.
We invite renowned scholars, industry leaders, competition world champions, top university students etc. to give lectures and conferences to share valuable experiences with our members.